What is CATCH?

Program Information
CATCH is a mentorship and leadership program catching high school girls in the midst of adolescent growth, gearing them towards the direction of becoming more confident and aware of life skills leading to success in everyday life as a young adult. This program focuses on empowering and encouraging young girls to become more aware of their capabilities. CATCH thrives to teach skills and create an environment that will support exploration of sense of self and build meaningful connections to community.
The program's goal is to ensure participants grow confident in performing life skills and understanding the significance of being a leader through engaging activities and structure.
Objectives of CATCH Program
- Leadership
- Mentorship
- Civic Engagement
- Community Connectedness
- College Readiness and Preparation
Cost of Programming
The YWCA Lincoln CATCH program comes with no cost to youth and their families, all curriculum, activities, and materials will be provided.
Current Program Locations
Lincoln High School CLC
12 girl capacity
Club Dates and Times
CATCH takes place once a week for one and a half hours after school.
Additional Information
To reach out directly please email catch@ywcalincoln.org or call (402) 434-3494.
If you would like to support the CATCH Program by making a donation, please click here to donate. Make sure to select CATCH as the designation.
Want to become a facilitator or mentor for CATCH click here!